- PART 1:
Click on this website link and do the quiz online:
- PART 2:
Answer the following 20 questions:
1. What is the capital city of the USA?
2. How many states are there in the USA?
3. What animal symbolises the USA?
4. How many inhabitants are there in the USA?
5. How many US presidents are there?
6. Who was the first president ? When was he elected?
7. Which president was assassinated in the 1960's? Where was he killed?
8. Which president abolished slavery and when?
9. Who was the American president during world war 2?
10. Who is the president today? Was he elected for the first time in 2004?
11. What political party is he from?
12. What are the two main US political parties?
13. Who are the 2 candidates to the presidential elections?
14. Which party do they represent?
15. What female candidate fought against Barack Obama at the primary elections?
16. Why is Obama different from all previous candidates in US history?
17. Do American citizens vote directly to elect their president?
18. When is Election Day?
19. When does the winner of the elections officially become president?
20. How old are the 2 presidential candidates?
- Help!!!
- PART 3:
Have some fun....Enjoy this video on the US campaign:
Write your comment on the following topic:
1.The new US president is Barak Obama. Are you happy about it?
2."Do you think it's important to vote?"
I prefer Obama because he is younger , he is a sportsman : he played basketball at university.
McCAin is thirty years older than Obama. He is from the same party as G.Bush. He is for the war in Irak whereas McCAin is against.
Thomas Maury, 2BHB
Obama is young : 47 years-old. He is the senator for the state of Illinois. He is very popular. His mother is american and his father is Kenyan. I think Obama is going to be president because americans never elected a woman or a black person as president. He is the candidate for the democratic party. He is my favourite candidate because he is an african american candidate an he is against the Irak war.
Ange-Michelle LOGNON , 2BHB
I think Obama is going to win the us elections because he is very charismatic and because he is young. He is supported by the minorities : hispanics, african americans and by many celebrities all over the world. I think he is a great hope for the americans and other people in the world.
GABRIEL Vincent, 2HA
I think Obama is going to win the elections because he is less old than Mc CAin. Mc Cain is for he war in Irak whereas Mc Cain is against . I think it's a good point for Obama because the american citizens don't like the war. For example, G.Bush has become very unpopular because of the war. I think Obama will be the first black president.
Barack OBama can be the 1st black president of the USA. He is very charismatic and his speeches are very popular. He wants to stop the war and he is experienced.He wants to maintain the right to abortion in the USA contrary to McCain.
I think Obama is going to in the elections because he is young and he is against the Irak war. He is very popular, very dynamic, and he is younger than McCain. He symbolises a new generation.
Nicolas COLLIER, 2HA
very good the first black président
i think it's important to vote because it's your opinion and decision.
it's important to vote because you explain your ideas and represent your country in front of the world.
sandrine, tbph
I think it's a good candidate for the US president post. He is young and that will be a big change for the USA.
Arthur, TBPH
i think barak obama will change the perception of USA by the people in the world.
Christopher, TbpH
yes it is good opportunity for the usa and for the world,it is a new age for the usa and for international politic and the end of the war
David Koscher tbph
I prefer Barack Obame because i think he know what he dos and he has chance . he is the first black american president .
julien neveu tbph
According to me, Barack Obama represent the new american dream and will be a exellent président.
i think it's good that obama was elected because it's the first black president it's a good thing for the USA i prefer a young president he has new ideas,a new program ,so let's see what he can change in this country.
florian , tbph
I think is important to vote because is important to propose our opinion. Obama is the first black man in the white house. It's a revolution, I think he change the USA.
Stanislas Magro
it's importante to vote for have the presidente of your choice.
remy TBPH
I think it's very important to go to vote because we must give own opinion.caroline c.
Obama is the best because it's young president, he is very popular in the USA. Obama is the first Afro-American president and he want stop the war !!!
yes he very importent.
yes i'm happy for obama.it's a news for the peopole américan. michou tbph
I prefer obama because he has of good ideas and a lot of motivation.
A lot of people believe in him, and of the change.We just have to wait and to see...
Jerome V
I'm not interested in politics, so I have no opinion because I find elections boring.
Caroline C
My opinion is Barack Obama is a very good president because he is better than McCain Because his program is excellent.
I like his message : "You Can".
I'm not interested in politics , soI have no opinion because I don't like eclections
Anais C 2hb
i'm happy the election of obama becaus he is the first black president of the USA and he is of from the democratic party .
I am so happy about the elections of Obama because he's so young compared to the other presidents and he was elected as a president of the USA.I love his speeches.There are so many things in his speeches that attract me so much towards him.This is not only me who says this,every one in the USA says this.At the end, he's the first black president of the USA.As he is elected like a president to take a revolution in the USA against the terrorisme
I'm happy about election of OBAMA!
My opinion is that he is the first black president in the usa and it is a change in the american society
I thinks obamais gonna get killed soon because they re a lot of people against him,lot of extremist,and racist didn t wanted him for president and those people are extremely dangerous.
For me , the vote is very important because , I give my opinion through a vote, it wouldn't Ok for the elections result. In good citizen, you have to vote for the president. Each vote is important. The elections is a means to change the president If you do not vote, you 're not concidered .
The sloggan is "Vote or die " .
I don't understand the people that do not vote . I think in Germany, the people that do not vote, they have a " contravention". If everyone vote, It's funny and Ok.
The vote is important , then vote !
Nelly A. 1BPC
I want to try to quit smoking
I will have my diploma
I wnat to have my diploma
I want to be a more present in my familly
i want to buy more cloths
I want to have my bep
i want new job
Lucasss thc
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