- PART 1:
Click on this website link and do the quiz online:
- PART 2:
Answer the following 20 questions:
1. What is the capital city of the USA?
2. How many states are there in the USA?
3. What animal symbolises the USA?
4. How many inhabitants are there in the USA?
5. How many US presidents are there?
6. Who was the first president ? When was he elected?
7. Which president was assassinated in the 1960's? Where was he killed?
8. Which president abolished slavery and when?
9. Who was the American president during world war 2?
10. Who is the president today? Was he elected for the first time in 2004?
11. What political party is he from?
12. What are the two main US political parties?
13. Who are the 2 candidates to the presidential elections?
14. Which party do they represent?
15. What female candidate fought against Barack Obama at the primary elections?
16. Why is Obama different from all previous candidates in US history?
17. Do American citizens vote directly to elect their president?
18. When is Election Day?
19. When does the winner of the elections officially become president?
20. How old are the 2 presidential candidates?
- Help!!!
- PART 3:
Have some fun....Enjoy this video on the US campaign:
Write your comment on the following topic:
1.The new US president is Barak Obama. Are you happy about it?
2."Do you think it's important to vote?"